Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rudder, Ken & Colette flew in from Beulah, and Reconditioning the Leather

 Maurice April and Rick Riewe installed and rudder. We began with the small pieces, re-installing hardware and following drawings to mount each piece.

Dan's colleague dropped in for a visit - their father/grandfather worked on Tiger Moth's in WWII. Within minutes they both had a clean rag in hand along with a leather re-conditioner and completed the job of cleaning and reconditioning all the leather pieces.

 The Tiger Moth attracts a stream of fascinated visitors - soon this amazing antique will be back in Brandon and many Winnipegers are taking advantage of the opportunity to check it out while it is at Lyncrest Airport.

Cleaning and lubricating the bushings on the horizontal stabilizer.

Jill working with Ken and Colette Pierce to re-mount the rudder horn.

Rick, Jill, Colette, & Ken - Ken and Colette decided to stay a few hours longer to help assemble the horizontal stabilizer and elevators - after participating in the 99's Poker Derby.

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