Friday, February 10, 2012

Template for Tiger Moth Rib Jig

Pattern for Rib Jig
Gil Bourrier carefully fitted a sheet of cardboard to slip over all the drag and anti-drag wires and spars so he could trace out the rib pattern. This weekend, Gil is transferring the pattern to a sheet of laminate, producing a jig that will be used as a demo for people interested in learning the original techniques used to produce ribs in the 1930s!

The Tiger Moth's ribs on the lower left wing are almost all repaired, we're working on the leading edge strip and soon will be ready to varnish.

Project AME and AMO
Ted Hector, AME, dropped in and said "I'm very impressed with the restoration work!..."
Tom Phinney, AMO, said "There is a lot of time consuming work to be done here by the volunteers and they are doing a tremendous job..."

Thank you Ted and Tom!!

The next weekend work party (9:30 - noon with some working after lunch til 4:00) is scheduled for Feb 25-26 (none scheduled for Feb 11-12 and 18-19).
The next week night work party (7:00ish - 9:00) is scheduled for Feb 13, 14,  & 15th and then 27, 28 & 29th (none scheduled for Feb 16-25th)

Let us know if you'd like to see more photos of any specific aspect of the wing; or if you have any advice or tips.

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